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French Conversation Groups

These Alliance Française conversation groups are hosted by Alliance members or volunteers. Free Participation.

No pre-registration required. Attendance ranges from 5 to 15 people. Levels can vary by group.

Updated June 2024

 Please find the schedule below:

Beginner Group: Saturday mornings from 11:00am - 12:00pm

Currently meets on Zoom, but sometimes in-person. 

Please contact Ruben Juarez to be added to invite list!

Intermediate Group: Saturday mornings from 9:30am - 11:00am

Meeting at Undergrounds Coffee House & Roastery on 580 South Park Ave

Please contact Jeri Titus for details.

Intermediate/Advanced Group: Thursday mornings from 10:00am - 11:30am

Meeting at the 2nd floor Dash's on Hertel Avenue (sometimes in the back banquet room).

Sometimes we meet on Zoom. 

Please contact Anna Robinson for details.

Open Group:  Monday evenings from 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Currently taking place at the 2nd floor in Dash's on Hertel.
This group is planning to start meeting at the AFB Office, 659 Main Street, on June 2, 2024.

Contact Michael D'Ambrosio if you plan to attend for the first time. 

If you are interesting in hosting a new conversation group, please contact us at


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